Addresscloud Watershed Boundaries

Key Facts

1. What is it?

Addresscloud Watershed Boundaries (usgwbd) is a dataset that delineates watershed boundaries across the United States. It provides hierarchical hydrologic unit codes (HUCs) that represent various watershed levels, enabling users to analyze hydrological features and relationships within specific geographic areas.

2. How can I use it?

This dataset is valuable for:

  • Environmental Analysis: Assessing watershed characteristics for conservation and resource management.
  • Hydrological Modeling: Understanding drainage patterns and water flow for flood risk assessment and water resource planning.
  • Land Use Planning: Informing development decisions by considering watershed impacts.
  • Educational Purposes: Teaching hydrology, geography, and environmental science concepts.

3. How is the data created?

The dataset is derived from the U.S. Geological Survey's National Hydrography Dataset, which compiles hydrological data from various sources. Addresscloud processes and standardizes this information to provide accurate and up-to-date watershed boundaries at multiple HUC levels.

4. Are there any limitations?

While Addresscloud Watershed Boundaries offers extensive hydrological information, users should be aware of the following:

  • Data Currency: Updates are made as needed, so there may be a lag between current watershed conditions and the dataset.
  • Resolution Variability: The dataset includes multiple HUC levels; higher-resolution data (e.g., HUC 12) may have more detailed boundaries but could be less current.
  • Natural Changes: Watershed boundaries can change over time due to natural events or human activities, which may not be immediately reflected in the dataset.

5. What data points are available?

The Addresscloud Watershed Boundaries dataset includes, but is not limited to, the following attributes:

  • Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUCs): Identifiers for watershed levels ranging from regional (HUC 2) to sub-watershed (HUC 12).
  • Watershed Names: Official names corresponding to each HUC.
  • Geospatial Boundaries: Polygon geometries defining the spatial extent of each watershed.
  • Area Measurements: Surface area of each watershed unit.

6. Where can I find out more?

For additional information and technical documentation, please refer to the Addresscloud API Documentation.

For support and inquiries, contact Addresscloud through their Help Center.

Note: This document is based on the available information as of January 6, 2025. For the most current details, please refer to the official Addresscloud resources.

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